Friday, September 4, 2009

Sitting on the couch this morning, drinking my coffee, listening to the kids play I began some research online on how we can start our kids off right. By this I mean, eating right and making good choices. It is one thing to choose what your kids will eat at home, but what would your kids do if left alone to make their own food choices? Studies have shown that kids will more often than not make the same food choices as the parents when left to "shop" alone at a grocery store. They are watching, and learning from everything you do. They notice when you make healthy choices... that goes for exercise too. They see mommy and/or daddy exercising, it becomes important to them too. As parents we are our kids most valuable resource.
Here is a website I found, geared towards kids. Check it out.

Here's to you, and your kids' health! :)

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